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By June 1, 2020January 31st, 2021Pandemic

Dear Valued Client,

We are happy to announce that Healthwinds will be re-opening on Saturday, June 6th to provide Massage Therapy treatments. The College of Massage Therapists of Ontario has stated that RMTs may start a “gradual return to work”.

We want you to know that your safety and that of our team remain our top priority. Therefore, we have made substantive additions and changes to our health and safety initiatives. We want to assure you that none of these changes will affect the quality of treatment that you have come to expect from us. However, they will have an impact on some of our complimentary amenities.

For now, the Public Health and Safety guidelines require us to close our steam rooms and change facilities. We have also had to remove our tea bar and infused waters. Our sitting room will only accommodate three people at one time and will not be available for extended relaxation before and after your appointment. As per the directives from the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario, all clients are required to wear a mask (if tolerated). In addition, Public Health and Safety guidelines recommend the use of masks when physical distancing cannot be exercised. All of our team will be wearing masks and/or face shields.

Hand sanitizers will be available at the entrance to use upon arrival and throughout the spa.

Prior to arriving for your appointment, we will have you complete a pre-screening questionnaire. It asks if you have travelled recently or are experiencing any symptoms such as a cough, fever, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose or feeling unwell. If you have any of these symptoms we will not be able to offer you the treatment.

We ask that you arrive 5 minutes prior to the start of your appointment time and if you like you can bring a filled water bottle.

During this time our 24 hour cancellation policy will be suspended for health related matters only. As we are limited to a minimum number of clients each day we ask that you notify us as soon as possible, if you should feel unwell.

Physical distancing requires us to have fewer people in the spa at any given time. We know many of you are anxious to return and we will do our best to accommodate you.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 416.488.9545.

We are looking forward to seeing all of you soon.

Our Best to you.

Kailee and the Healthwinds’ Team